
16 January 2016

Buy a used smartphone.

Smartphone have become one of the most important things and most of the people have at least one. And some of the smartphone sells in the market are quite expensive. If you in a tight budget, buying a second hand phone might be a good idea. Here are some tips that you can follow before you buy your phone.

1. Check the price. 
This is important. If you want to buy a used phone, check the price with the new set price and compare it. The official website of the phone itself can be a good reference for you to check the price for the new set. eBay and Amazon can also be a good reference for the price for both new set or used set phone.

If the price is slightly higher than your expected price, try to negotiate the price with the seller with reasonable price. And if the price is too cheap, please be careful because this might be a scam. 

2. Condition
Make sure the condition of the used set is in a good condition. It is better for you to meet the seller face to face and inspect the used set for yourself before you buy the phone. If the location of the seller is far, ask them to send the actual photo of the phone to you. 

If the condition of used set is average, try to negotiate with them to get a better deal.

Please make sure the phone is not the clone set. It is easier if the phone is iPhone which you can check the apps store whether it is really Apple's apps store or google play store (which is the clone one).

3. Include with...
If in the ads the seller did not stated what is include with the used set phone, ask them first before you make the purchase. Most of the seller will include a charger, a headphone/headset, USB cable and the box (with all the document in it).

If the seller offer you with others accessories such as casing, extra battery, extra cable, etc. and the price is not that expensive compared to the other(s), this might be the better choice. 

4. Shipping or face-to-face?
My advice is to meet the seller and check the phone by yourself rather than ask them to ship the phone to you. There are possibilities that you will not get your phone unless there are many testimonial or recommendation from others that buy from the seller. 

The other advantage if you meet the seller is you can check the condition of the phone for yourself. You should check the condition of the phone whether it have any dent or not, the phone can run smoothly and also all the button work perfectly (perhaps you can try swiping the touch screen, testing the camera, etc.). 

5. Warranty
If you want to buy used set phone, try to ask them for their personal warranty. Usually sellers will give you one week warranty.  In the mean time you can test your phone and if there any problem regarding the phone performance, you can ask them for a refund.

If possible (and this might be crazy), you can make an agreement with the seller on the paper and ask the seller to sign and write their full names and their IC number.

All the tips above is based on my experienced. If you like to share any of your experience, don't be shy to comment on the comment box below. I hope this can help you to buy used set phone. 

13 January 2016

Fake Information in Social Media!

Social media have become one of the medium to spread information. Many of our friends or pages have shared the information that they got from the internet. Even most of the social media made it easier for them to share the information with just one click and the information are spreading through the internet.

But are the information in the social media reliable? There are too many fake information spreading in this medium for many reasons. Some of them want to seek attention, some of them want to express their hatred with fake accusation, and some of them just want to help with sharing.

The effect of spreading fake information can lead to hatred not only towards an individual but also towards organisation, race and country. It also may cause danger if the fake information are related to health and human body.

People of the internet.

It is okay for all of you to share helpful and interesting information to you friends. But please! Please make sure that the information are true with do some research about the information. Ask the experts about the status of the information. And please don't be the judge of something that is not clear.

What you can do when you detect any fake information in social media?
1. Let the person who share the information know that the information that they share is not true and delete the status/post.
2. If the person did not respond to you or she still saying that the information is true, report the status/post. Most of the social media apps or website have this function in their system.

Hope you can now share any information wisely in social media after this. Thank You

28 October 2012

Rants : Handphone Fanboy

Hope you guys a nice day with the new iPhone 5 that has been currently announced a few week ago and already been sold in the USA and the other country. To bad in Malaysia, we have to wait for a little bit longer to buy iPhone 5.

Recently, I have bought one of the best smartphone yet and it is Samsung Galaxy Nexus even though this phone has been announced for almost a year. 

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

In smartphone market, there are other phone which has more advance specification either hardware and software such as Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, and many more but to me, this is the right phone for me because of it fast update of the software and with minimal bloat-ware in this phone. 

Isn't this awesome?!

Well some of you might said that : 

"Hey, this guy is a android fanboy, he will never choose the iPhone even the iPhone is better than android. What a looser! " - a guy with a lame type of voice 

Apple iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3

To be frank, the smartphone selection is depend on the type of user itself because it is very subjective. Some of you might like the iPhone which the iOS offered you simplicity in their system but for now, I chose Android system.

Nokia 1280

People have their own reason to own a phone. Some people need a phone just to text and call. Some people used the phone for other reasons such as music player, camera, apps, work and many more. So don't judge people by the type of smartphone they use. And chose wisely. 

22 April 2012

DSLR tips : Light Trail

Light Trail ialah gambar cahaya yang bergerak dan menghasilkan garisan mengikut pergerakannya dengan  kamera yang menggunakan shutter speed yang perlahan. Satu contoh gambar telah saya sertakan dibawah untuk memudahkan anda mengerti apakah itu light trail. 

Bagaimana ingin menghasilkan light trail ?

  • Shutter Speed : Lambat (1 saat sehingga 30 saat ataupun bulb)
  • ISO : 100
  • Aperture : Lebih tinggi lebih bagus
  • Masa/keadaan : Malam / Gelap
  • Lens yang mempunyai aperture yang tinggi (jika ada)
  • Tripod dan timer diperlukan
1) Kamera mestilah di pasang pada tripod. Tidak digalakkan untuk mengambil gambar menggunakan tangan disebabkan gegaran tangan. 

2) Point kan kamera anda kepada sumber cahaya yang bergerak ataupun tempat yang anda ingin hasilkan light trail. (sebagai contoh, gambar di atas dihalakan ke arah jalan raya).

3) Setting kamera anda seperti di atas. ( mengikut kesesuaian kamera dan keadaan anda).

4) Fokus pada 1 objek. 

5) Set kan timer dan tekan shutter release button (ambil gambar).

6) Jika anda ingin menghasilkan cahaya sendiri menggunakan lampu picit (dan sebagainya), pastikan corak yang anda ingin hasilkan siap sebelum tamat gambar diambil.

7) Lihat hasilnya.

Mudah bukan? 

Contoh gambar :

sumber :

sumber :

19 October 2011

10 Rahsia Yahudi

Tahukah korang sebenarnya banyak benda yang yahudi laknat ni sembunyikan pada pengetahuan umum.

1 - Walaupun Israel merupakan pengeluar rokok yang terbesar tetapi rakyatnya tidak menghisap rokok kerana mereka tahu akan keburukan hisap rokok. 

2 - Israel mempunyai kepakaran dalam mencipta vaksin dan mahir dalam ilmu perubatan, namun ilmu itu hanya untuk orang luar, kerana mereka tahu bahan kimia yang terdapat dalam ubat akan merosakkan untuk satu jangka masa panjang. Penduduk israel sendiri menggunakan Habbatus Sauda dalam perubatan harian 

3 - Taktik kaum ibu di Israel ketika mengandung ialah si ibu/ isteri akan mendengar si suami membaca, menyanyi atau mereka akan menyelesaikan masalah matematik bersama-sama untuk mendapat bayi yang bijak dan petah kerana pada ketika ini fikiran dan perasaan si isteri adalah bersambungan dengan anak dalam kandungan berbanding anda bercakap padanya di perut 

4 - McDonald di israel telah membuat pengubahsuaian contohnya dari segi minuman. Mereka menggantikan kopi berkafein kepada teh yang mengandungi polyphenols, iaitu unsur kimia yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan berkekuatan besar untuk membuang sel rosak dan mencegah kanser. Kita disini masih lagi menggunakan KAFEIN BERBAHAYA 

5 - Di Israel, mereka akan memakan buah-buahan dahulu sebelum memakan makanan utama. Ini kerana hakikatnya dengan memakan hidangan kabohidrat (nasi atau roti) dahulu kemudian buah buahan akan menyebabkan kita merasa ngantuk dan lemah dan payah untuk memahami pelajaran disekolah. Sedangkan disini kita dimomokkan dengan memakan buah-buahan sebagai pencuci mulut. 

6 - Israel terus melakukan berbagai usaha untuk menghancurkan Masjid Al Aqsha dan Qubah Shakhrah sejak 50 tahun yang lalu dengan menggali bawah tanah masjid tersebut agar runtuh dengan sendirinya? 

7 - Majoriti buku sejarah di dunia mengatakan Negara-negara Arab yang menyerang Israel terlebih dahulu pada perang tahun 1967? Padahal faktanya, Israel yang menyerang Negara-negara Arab terlebih dahulu kemudian mereka merebut kota Al Quds dan Tebing Barat? Tetapi mereka mengatakan serangannya itu adalah serangan untuk menjaga diri dan antisipasi? 

8 - Di Palestin, penduduk kristian Palestin dan Palestin Muslim bersatu melawan penjajah yahudi 

9 - Pelajar-pelajar di sekolah dilatih dengan taktik ketenteraan dalam bersukan seperti menembak dan mamanah bagi melatih otak memfokus sesuatu perkara dan mempersiapkan diri jika perkhidmatan diperlukan dimasa akan datang. 

10 - Hosni Mubarak merupakan tulang belakang Israel dan Amerika selama 30 tahun!

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